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2 . 2014

The polymorphisms of the gene associated with fat mass and obesity, the leptin gene and the receptor to leptin gene among the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in the minor ethnic subgroups of the Azerbaijan population


Aim. The aim is to identify ethnic differences of rs9939609 gene FTO genetic polymorphisms associated with overweight and obesity, rs7799039 leptin encoding gene LEP and rs1137101 leptin receptor gene LEPR prevalence in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 from different ethnic subgroups of the Republic of Azerbaijan and evaluate their correlation with the severity of visceral adiposopathy and arterial hypertension.

Materials and Methods. 86 representatives from three ethnic subgroups of Azerbaijan Republic with diabetes mellitus type 2 (31 azerbaijanianis, 27 talyshes, lezgians 28: 32 men and 54 women) aged 50,1±0,5 years with 6,8±1,5 years length of diabetes mellitus type 2 were examined. General clinical and anthropometric examination was conducted. LEP and FTO genes polymorphism was investigated by mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF (genetic analyzer «MassARRAY», Sequenom, USA). Data have been analyzed using Statistica 6.0.

Results. Ethnic differences in the severity of visceral adiposopathy and arterial hypertension in patients living in Azerbaijan with diabetes mellitus type 2 were identifi ed. Accumulation of the mutant allele polymorphism rs9939609 FTO gene is characterized by increased body mass index and blood pressure levels. Most significantly this effect manifests itself in Azerbaijani ethnic group. Accumulation of mutant alleles G polymorphism rs7799039 LEP and leptin gene rs1137101 G polimofizm of LEPR leptin receptor gene is more common in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 associated with visceral adiposopathy and arterial hypertension (comparison with data from normotensive patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 without obesity).

Conclusion. Ethnic differences in the frequency of prevalence of FTO, LEP and LEPR single nucleotide polymorphisms in azerbaijanianis patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 are determined by the accumulation of mutant alleles and epigenetic factors. More significant genetic polymorphisms associated traits were in ethnic subgroup of Azerbaijan Republic citizens with diabetes mellitus type 2 associated with more pronounced visceral adiposopathy and stronger arterial hypertension.

Keywords:diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, gen LEP, gen FTO, gen LEPR, polymorphism, arterial hypertension, Azerbaijanian, Lezghin, Talysh

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Ametov Alexander S.
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Subdepartment of Endocrinology, Head of the UNESCO Network Chair on the subject «Bioethics of diabetes as a global problem» of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow)

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