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4 . 2014

Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemia in the multi-field hospital environment. The topical issues

AbstractRussia ranks the 4 th place in the world by number of diabetes mellitus (DM) patients – close upon 10 million people, аnd the patient census is growing steadily. To prevent chronic and acute complications of DM will be the most urgent task of not only modern diabetology, but also medical science as a whole. In this connection, of great value are the control of ketoacetonemia, ketoacetonuria and blood glucose in patients with DM.

Keywords:diabetes, hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA, glycemic control, ketoacetonemia control, ketoacetonuria control

Endocrinology: News, Opinions, Training. 2014; (4): 49–55.

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Ametov Alexander S.
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Subdepartment of Endocrinology, Head of the UNESCO Network Chair on the subject «Bioethics of diabetes as a global problem» of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow)

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