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2 . 2021

Endothelial dysfunction on the background of hypothyroidism is the main factor in the erectile dysfunction formation at the comorbid pathology


Lipid metabolism levels and plasma markers of endothelial dysfunction (ED) among patients with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (VED) on the background of hypothyroidism and euthyroidism have been studied to assess the frequency of ED formation in these disorders.

Men with stated VED were included in the research. The parameters of thyroid profile (thyroid-stimulating hormone - TSH, free thyroxine - free T4), the lipid spectrum (total cholesterol - TC, low-density lipoproteins - LDL, triglycerides - TG) and ED markers (C-reactive protein - CRP, homocysteine) were determined among these patients.

A high prevalence of subclinical (8.9%) and manifest (7.1%) hypothyroidism has been revealed in patients with VED, which indicates the significance of the thyroid hormones' level of in ensuring man's health. Statistically valuable interrelation between the dyslipidemia development and ED in patients with VED on the background of hypothyroidism (p<0.05) has been proved. It confirms their role as the main pathogenic mechanisms in the formation of these disorders.

It is recommended to accomplish the early prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) occurrence in such patients, because ED is an independent predictor of CVD development.

Keywords:hypothyroidism, vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, markers of endothelial dysfunction, dyslipidemia

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The author declares no conflict of interest.

For citation: Krasnikova Yu.A. Endothelial dysfunction on the background of hypothyroidism is the main factor in the erectile dysfunction formation at the comorbid pathology. Endokrinologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Endocrinology: News, Opinions, Training]. 2021; 10 (2): 152-4. DOI: (in Russian)

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Ametov Alexander S.
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Subdepartment of Endocrinology, Head of the UNESCO Network Chair on the subject «Bioethics of diabetes as a global problem» of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow)

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