Topic number
3 . 2018
Болезни эндокринной системы и коморбидные состояния



45th anniversary of Department of Endocrinology of Faculty of Medicine of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Original research

The effectiveness of modern drugs insulin analogs in pump insulin therapy if reaching the goals of treatment of type 1 diabetes

The study presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the medical files of patients with type 1 diabe­tes hospitalized in the endocrinology department of the city hospital. Patients divided into groups according to the type of receiving insulin and the way of

Pulmonary embolism in patients with obesity and diabetes

The aim of the study - to conduct a comparative analysis of the development of pulmonary embolism in individuals with obesity and diabetes according to the materials of the case histories and autopsy protocols of autopsies of deaths in hospitals in Tomsk in the period from

The influence of sibutramine on the level of leptin, anthropometric parameters and other indicators in patients with obesity

Obesity is not onLy an independent chronic disease that requires serious treatment, but aLso a major risk factor for many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascuLar diseases and maLignant diseases. MetaboLic changes in obesity are not onLy impaired carbohydrate and
Clinical practice guideline

Clinical aspects of the use of insulin glargine (300 ED/ml) in patients with type 2 diabetes: from research to outpatient practice

Insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes has a special impotance. Achievement of glycemic targets with the timely appointment of insulin not only reduces the risk of micro - and macrovascular complications of this pathology, but also contributes to the preservation of the

Intestinal microbiota and type 2 diabetes mellitus

IntestinaL microbiota is an important part of the human immune and neuroendocrine systems. Change in qualitative and quantitative composition of microbiota is associated with many diseases, incLuding obesity, metaboLic syndrome, atheroscLerosis and type 2 diabetes meLLitus.
Clinical practice guideline

Prospects for early pharmacological intervention at the stage of pre-diabetes


The management of primary aldosteronism: case detection, diagnosis, and treatment: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline

For high - risk groups of hypertensive patients and those with hypokalemia, we recommend case detec­tion of primary aldosteronism by determining the aldosterone - renin ratio under standard conditions, and that a commonly used confirmatory test should confirm/exclude
Clinical cases

Patient with diabetic polyneuropathy and cerebrovascular disease is visiting the doctor

The modern patient is a carrier of several diseases, each of which can worsen his condition, increase the risks of disability and death. The term multicomorbidity is becoming more and more relevant. The patient K., 67 years old, with complaints of hyperglycemia, heaviness in

Adrenal insufficiency: Atypical clinical manifestations and difficulties in early diagnostics

Adrenal insufficiency is often presented by a variety of symptoms. Late diagnostics can lead to development of adrenal crisis. There is almost always an acute stressor or cause of adrenal insufficiency in patients with adrenal crisis. It could be a serious infection,
International practice

A systematic review of the anti-obesity and weight lowering effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and its mechanisms of action

RecentLy, the beneficiaL effects of ginger on obesity is taken into consideration. ALbeit, it seems that the anti - obesity effect of ginger and its mechanism of action has not yet been reviewed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematicaLLy review the effect of
Abstracts of research to practice conference for young scientists of the Russian medical academy of postgraduate education”Topical questionsof endocrinology”(april 26, 2018)

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Primary adrenal insufficiency (syn.: Addison's disease, hypocorticism, primary hypoadrenalism) is one of the most severe polysymptomatic endocrine disorders in which the destruction of the cortex results in deficiency of corticosteroids' production.

The elimination of glucoso- and lipotoxicity in the debut of diabetes mellitus type 2 by the using of modern therapy the sodium-glucose linked transporter-2 inhibitors

Material and methods. Examination of the patient with a newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus type 2, and visceral obesity. He underwent laboratory and instrumental study, including assessment of metabolic health indicators, carbohydrate metabolism, capacity of β - cells

Complex therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy: clinical case

Diabetic poLyneuropathy often compLicates the course of diabetes meLLitus. TimeLy diagnosis and therapy of diabetic poLyneu-ropathy heLps to improve the quaLity of Life and keep working capacity for a Long time.

Assessment of food behavior in patients with sugar diabetes

This articLe aLLows us to reflect the roLe of eating disorders in patients with diabetes meLLitus when choosing an approach to treating this disease. The conducted scientific research with the use of anaLyticaL and mathematicaL methods made it possibLe to reveaL the





All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Ametov Alexander S.
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Subdepartment of Endocrinology, Head of the UNESCO Network Chair on the subject «Bioethics of diabetes as a global problem» of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow)

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